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Transforming Frontline Operations with Webalo: A Deep Dive into Real Use Cases

Written by Julia Walsh | Sep 10, 2024 6:15:00 PM

In today's fast-paced industrial world, efficiency, standardization, and real-time visibility are key to staying competitive. The challenge? Achieving these goals without overwhelming frontline workers and operational leaders with complex systems and disconnected tools. Enter Webalo, the Connected Worker Platform for the Frontline Workforce designed to unify people, processes, and systems, driving transformation across your entire organization.

Webalo is a no-code Platform that empowers frontline teams by turning scattered, manual processes into streamlined digital workflows. But beyond the technology itself, it’s the real-world application of Webalo that truly showcases its power. Here’s how Webalo is making a tangible difference in day-to-day operations.

Simplifying Start-of-Shift Inspections & Quality Control

Imagine starting a shift with piles of paper forms and scattered documentation and the constant struggle to ensure everything is stored, filed, and accessible when needed. Before Webalo, this was the reality for many operators, making inspections and quality control tedious.

With Webalo, the entire process is digitized. Start-of-shift inspections and quality control forms are now available on tablets—easily accessible, searchable, and completed in one central location. The result? No more misplaced documents, no more delays, and complete visibility into the entire process. Teams can now focus on their work, confident that documentation is seamlessly managed in the background.

Revolutionizing Production Run Forms

Production techs spent significant time tracking down paper forms before and during production runs, often leading to bottlenecks and the risk of error. Webalo has revolutionized this process by digitizing all production run forms. With a few taps on their tablets, operators can instantly access the forms they need, speeding up the process and reducing the risk of human error. This small change has had a significant impact, ensuring production continues smoothly and without interruption.

Streamlining Action Tracking

In the past, managing and tracking action items often involved whiteboards that could quickly become cluttered, hard to read, or out of date. Worse, these boards were often stationed far from the point of use, creating a disconnect between the issue and its resolution.

Webalo’s digital action-tracker has changed this entirely. Operators can now submit action items directly from their tablets, even attaching photos to better define the problem. Automated workflows notify the appropriate support groups, while the digital database allows for real-time progress tracking on tablets and line monitors across the facility. Issues are addressed faster, tracked more efficiently, and can no longer fall through the cracks.

Simplifying Maintenance Work Orders

Maintenance used to be a cumbersome process, with technicians and supervisors having to navigate complex SAP systems just to create or close work orders. This often led to delays in repairs, further disrupting operations.

Now, with Webalo’s integration into SAP, the maintenance workflow is simpler than ever. Technicians can create and complete work orders directly through Webalo using their mobile devices. No more switching between systems or dealing with cumbersome interfaces—everything happens seamlessly within the Webalo environment, saving time and improving overall efficiency.

Real-Time Performance Data at Your Fingertips

Before Webalo, collecting and displaying line performance data was a manual and time-consuming task, often causing a lag in addressing downtime, scrap issues, or other production inefficiencies. Operators had to rely on stationary hour-by-hour boards that did not allow for real-time review away from the board.

Webalo’s hour-by-hour board now automatically pulls performance data directly from MES systems, displaying it in real-time on digital line monitors and tablets. Operators can capture comments and actions alongside the data, allowing teams to address performance issues instantly. This increased visibility has led to faster decision-making and better coordination between maintenance and operations teams, driving overall productivity.

Digitizing Clean, Inspect, Lubricate (CIL) Tasks

Completing Clean, Inspect, and Lubricate (CIL) tasks was once a manual process requiring multiple verification forms tracked on stationary boards. This led to inefficiencies and a lack of real-time visibility into task completion.

With Webalo, CIL tasks are now delivered digitally to each line at the start of each shift, accessible on tablets. Operators complete these tasks with real-time updates displayed on visual dashboards, ensuring supervisors have full visibility into task progress. This not only improves accountability but also reduces downtime and ensures that maintenance tasks are completed promptly and correctly.

A Unified Solution for Frontline Teams

Webalo isn’t just another tool—it’s a game-changer for frontline workers and operational leaders. By providing a “one-stop shop” for most daily tasks, Webalo has improved standardization across operations while generating a wealth of real-time data that drives continuous improvement. Whether it’s automating manual tasks, tracking key performance indicators, or managing action items and maintenance work orders, Webalo empowers teams to do more with less effort.

But more than that, Webalo is the backbone of modern operations, transforming how organizations function. It connects your workforce with the tools they need, right when they need them, driving operational excellence from the ground up.

The Future of Connected Work

With Webalo, you’re not just investing in technology; you’re investing in the future of work. It’s a future where every task is optimized, every process is streamlined, and every worker is empowered to do their best work.

Ready to learn more about how Webalo can transform your operations? We look forward to working with you to empower your workforce and optimize your enterprise, one connected worker at a time.