Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, RAD Platforms---these are technologies that are transformational, requiring both a culture change (ie, the people using them) as well as a process change (the systems they may interact with). They require internal readiness to be sure that the project outlines are well established, and have an internal champion make sure that the original project goals are understood and met.
Considerations when implementing IT/OT projects to make them succeed
Oct 16, 2019 2:19:00 PM . Maryanne Steidinger
Digital Transformation Success: Focus on the Team, not the Systems
Sep 19, 2019 7:30:00 AM . Peter Price, CEO, Webalo
Enabling digital transformation for your frontline workers
Aug 13, 2019 8:38:00 AM . Peter Price, CEO, Webalo
Visit an industrial plant - a mine, power generation plant or manufacturing facility for example - and automation, mechanical and digital, is everywhere. Millions of dollars are invested in machinery, robotics, enterprise and industrial software systems that run and operate a plant. However, chat with the workforce, the frontline workers themselves, and you’ll find that they’re largely disconnected from all of this automation – when they do their job, it's paper, voice or experience-based and rarely digitized.