Webalo Frontline Worker Survey Result Takeaways

Nov 25, 2019 8:00:00 AM . Maryanne Steidinger

With so much focus on the #Frontline Worker, we wanted to see how manufacturers are currently managing their workforce's needs for task management and worker enablement.  Here are the results of our study, along with some commentary.

Takeaways from the survey

Respondents, whether they were in process or discrete, all have the same challenges: maintaining productivity, efficiency and responsiveness while dealing with multiple applications (more than 50% have 3 or more to access), supporting corporate initiatives such as Continuous Improvement or something more intangible such as Industry 4.0/Digital Transformation.

As other industry studies show, these workers are relying on their mobile device (nearly 70%) for both guidance and task management. 

A single method of interaction is desired--say 80% of respondents--and this is where Webalo can help. Webalo is one app on your device, a "single-pane-of-glass" view of all of your tasks and activities on your device - one app that manages all of the other enterprise and industrial data sources your workforce have to interact with. Webalo increases operational efficiency in every plant by several points, simply by the time it saves each individual worker from having to log-in and wade through the multiple other systems they currently have to use to do their job.

Webalo Identified as Key Enabler of Frontline Workers in New Report

Nov 11, 2019 7:00:00 AM . Maryanne Steidinger

Webalo was recently recognized as an influencing vendor of technology for the Connected Worker in a new report by 451 Research, "Supporting the Digital Employee Experience for Frontline Workers in Manufacturing."

Considerations when implementing IT/OT projects to make them succeed

Oct 16, 2019 2:19:00 PM . Maryanne Steidinger

 Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, RAD Platforms---these are technologies that are transformational, requiring both a culture change (ie, the people using them) as well as a process change (the systems they may interact with).  They require internal readiness to be sure that the project outlines are well established, and have an internal champion make sure that the original project goals are understood and met.