A Paperless Workday

Aug 20, 2020 12:09:37 PM . The Webalo team

Six reasons to take your frontline workforce paperless

Now more than ever, frontline workers are in need of digital workplace solutions to keep them safe. Over the past few months, industrial companies have faced major disruptions due to the impacts of COVID-19. Implementing a highly functional digital workplace solution for frontline workers and operational management is an essential step toward increasing safety, engagement, and efficiency across industrial operations.

Learning Every Day

May 12, 2020 6:00:00 AM . Peter Price, CEO, Webalo

On September 10, 2001, I became a founder of my third software company. The next day, as I came to learn that the world had changed forever, I experienced one of the key lessons that many founders learn on their journey to build a new venture—despite what you think you know, there always comes a moment when you realize you know very little.

Webalo Continues Market Momentum for Frontline Workforce

Feb 11, 2020 7:00:00 AM . Maryanne Steidinger

On February 6, 2020 we issued a press release highlighting our progress on Frontline Workforce enablement.  We started this initiative in January 2019--so it's been a full year of recognizing the needs of those task workers that require a paperless workday to complete their jobs, whether it's executing a quality test, checking the status of equipment on the line, or conducting necessary procedures such as shift changeovers, schedule changes or clean in place  processes.