What is Connected Digital Distancing™?

Oct 14, 2020 9:26:06 AM . The Webalo team

With the ongoing crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic, Webalo's Connected Digital Distancing™ technology enables frontline workers with real-time, actionable access to data on their mobile devices from anywhere, so they can be safe and informed in their work environments.

Webalo’s Connected Digital Distancing™ technology is connected worker technology which allows for social distancing requirements to be met as frontline workers adjust to the implementation of new operating procedures. Gartner’s research suggests that, despite extreme challenges, the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity for organizations to create a strategic plan for the future, where IT and business operations team up to work collaboratively so organizations can successfully navigate the accelerating pace of innovation. Webalo’s Connected Digital Distancing™ technology digitally integrates the workforce, with the business processes and the core operational systems and infrastructure to ensure that companies can maintain real-time operational integrity across all areas of business operations.

Learning Every Day

May 12, 2020 6:00:00 AM . Peter Price, CEO, Webalo

On September 10, 2001, I became a founder of my third software company. The next day, as I came to learn that the world had changed forever, I experienced one of the key lessons that many founders learn on their journey to build a new venture—despite what you think you know, there always comes a moment when you realize you know very little.

Webalo and BI Tools: The Right Tool for the Right Job

Oct 15, 2018 3:57:18 PM . Maryanne Steidinger

Webalo and Business Intelligence: they both have their place in a well-informed enterprise.  But do you need both? We think yes...