What's the single biggest challenge of supply chain management? Well, it depends on your view of the business. Webalo believes it's the end to end visibility of the supply chain--in other words, understanding the cause and effect of activities that may occur to impact supply chain performance: whether it's insufficient incoming supply, unexpected performance within manufacturing (low yields, quality issues, equipment downtime) or problems downstream (within the warehouse or in transportation--either orders not being delivered, or incorrect orders being shipped).
3 ways to meet the challenges of supply chain management
Sep 16, 2019 7:20:00 AM . Maryanne Steidinger
Enabling digital transformation for your frontline workers
Aug 13, 2019 8:38:00 AM . Peter Price, CEO, Webalo
Visit an industrial plant - a mine, power generation plant or manufacturing facility for example - and automation, mechanical and digital, is everywhere. Millions of dollars are invested in machinery, robotics, enterprise and industrial software systems that run and operate a plant. However, chat with the workforce, the frontline workers themselves, and you’ll find that they’re largely disconnected from all of this automation – when they do their job, it's paper, voice or experience-based and rarely digitized.
Webalo Announces v5.0 for Frontline Workforce Productivity
Feb 19, 2019 5:05:52 PM . Maryanne Steidinger